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soap2day watch free movies online10-Sep-2021 14:42
basri_eli08-Dec-2012 07:47
Very impressive gallery!! Thanks for sharing!!
Eli Basri
Guest 25-May-2012 22:49
Very much enjoy the subject of the photos for their own sake. A story in each one, whether a gathering of cranes or F-16s in formation.
reggie salang 13-Feb-2012 22:52
sir shalom!

I had the chance to glance on your photography via hula birding center's Facebook page. Your photography really strucks me! one of the worlds best I should say. I am a Filipino caregiver working here in your country israel, and I have come to love photography because of the beauty and wonders of this Holy Land,. I just want to wish you more good health so you can continue to share your captures. i have become a fan of your photography. Thank you also for including the camera settings in your gallery, it could guide me as well. .
Guest 19-Mar-2011 15:54
Amigo: Es increíble el ojo que Dios te ha dado para captar la belleza de Israel. Muchas gracias por permitir apreciar tus fotos. Que Dios te siga bendiciendo
Agustin Ernesto Rodriguez Acosta 19-Mar-2011 06:39
Great pics!!! Congratulations from Mexico!!!!
Naomi 14-Dec-2010 03:09
Hello Nir,
As a Jewish person, it's so heartwarming to see our homeland portrayed so beautifully as in your magnificent photos. You're a first-class photographer!!!
I'd like to ask a question: I'm an amateur singer/musician who uploads cover songs onto youtube. I'm finishing up a cover of Naomi Shemer's classic "אל כל אלה", and am working on a slideshow to accompany it for its youtube "release". I would love permission to use some of your photography of Israel in the slideshow. I make absolutely NO money off of these youtube songs and videos, and I would credit you with a copyright notice and a link to your website/flickr page. Would this be acceptable to you? Or would you require me to purchase copies of the pictures?
Feel free to check out my youtube channel for reference:
Thanks so much, and keep up the amazing work. :)
Leonty 11-Mar-2010 11:32
Great photos! Outstanding galleries!
Keep on going!!!
àðä 03-Mar-2010 15:51
úîåðåú îãäéîåú!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ëì äëáåã
àéï ìé îéìéí
lino 01-Mar-2010 22:05
úîåðåú ðôìàåú,ëàìä ãáøéí ìà øåàéí ëì éåí...àúä áàîú àåîï äëé âãåì...ëì äëáåã
SALUTI DA LINO àéèì÷é îâøîðéä
סלבה 28-Nov-2009 12:40
התמונות של המטוסים פשוט מדהימות! כל הכבוד!
Guest 22-Nov-2009 18:12
ôùåè îãäéí, àéï îéìéí!
Joseph Porges 04-Jul-2009 23:55
I am interested in close crop of Masada, and Old City Jerusalem. What is your price list and photo size and material?

Yossi Porges
Larry 15-Mar-2009 16:34
I found you on Flikr, and I think your aviation photographs are simply spectacular.
Jerry Meents 23-Nov-2008 02:21
From a old Givati soldier from 1948, fantastic.
Thank you, thank you.
Tarantella26-Jul-2008 19:21
i'm taking you to my favourites.... pure pleasure to watch your pictures.. thanks for sharing!!!
Davidjohn12-Jul-2008 07:06
If only there could be more talented people like you on pbase...
Alex 03-Jul-2008 05:56
howa re you xnir am mousa from jordan am really get happy for the pictures you shots and i have a gallery for jordan above from aircraft my gallery is and password is iloveyou ,hope to see it and give me your opinion am waiting thank you
Constantin Ceapchi 25-Jun-2008 12:22
Mesaj din Romania.
Fotografiile, indiferent de categorie, sunt exceptionale si sunt, pur si simplu, fascinat
de peisajele din Israel.
Felicitari din toata inima pentru ceace ai realizat si sunt convins ca voi mai avea prilejul sa vad si alte imagini frumoase.
Pentru aceasta voi pastra adresa site-ului tau si il voi vizita si in viitor.
R. Walter Franco 08-Apr-2008 06:25
Dear BenJoseph:
There are not enough words to express how great are your pictures. As a painter myself I find that you master your camera as a great brush to paint the best of humanity, and earth. Your rendition of Israel through your lenses is awsome. Keep your great work going you will be as great as you want to be. Kol HaKabod, Todah Rabah!
Rachel Dvoskin 01-Apr-2008 19:29
Love it! thank you soooooo much
Jae Storms 31-Mar-2008 18:19
Thank you soooo much for sharing your photos of your beautiful country. My friend Rotem, who lives in Israel, forwards them to me and I couldn't help but add a comment of praise for your beautiful photography... I want to visit Israel someday and your photos make me want to get there soon! Thank you again and keep up the great job!!!
Jeannie 30-Mar-2008 01:37
Absolutely beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

Pax vobiscum,Jeannie San Antonio, TX
äøôæ îøé 29-Mar-2008 04:32
ìðéø ùáú ùìåí åúåãä øáä òì äúîåðåú äðôìàåú ùì àøöéðå ä÷èðä. ùìçúé ìëì îëéøéé áòåìí.
Guest 18-Feb-2008 19:26
Very nice work, diverse, quality. J. R.
Milos Markovic18-Feb-2008 16:16
Wonderful photography and great variety.
Outstanding vision.
My compliments.
Michelle Rhea22-Jan-2008 06:09
Many lovely photos! And, yes, I agree, war is not the answer.

Guest 08-Jan-2008 14:38
Wonderful images! I really enjoyed your photos.
GUILLAUME A AZOULAY 01-Nov-2007 21:21
Guest 20-Jun-2007 05:25
Pure display of talent.
Guest 10-Apr-2007 18:01

My man Nir
you got here great galleries, with some great ideas!!
i enjoyed having a look
keep up, and keep in touch !

Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:20
Great work, your photo galleries are fantastic.
Guest 16-Jan-2007 03:16
Ahhh - no wonder you resonated with my airshow gallery - this is a wonderful collection that you should be very proud of. All the best, Wynn.
Guest 08-Jan-2007 11:26
You have some magnificent images here, congratulations!
Thank you for the visit and for the kind words.
Guest 07-Jan-2007 17:16
Xnir, thank you so much for your comments on my gallery.
Your Greatest Hits gallery has some great images. I do
not usually care for bird shots, but the Pied Kingfisher
is exceptional. I played the entire slideshow of this
gallery and liked it a lot. Quite diverse, but a bit long.
I also liked Koh Samui, 3246.jpg, and the 3rd in the series
of Fighting Falcon shots.
yoram shpirer06-Jan-2007 17:34
Great gallery of images , I am sure it took some time to put this gallery together , talking about camera time shooting.
Guest 25-Nov-2006 09:45
Robyco21-Nov-2006 14:14
Just dropped by and stopped.
Specialy like your pictures of faces....
But i will come back to look closer.
Guest 09-Nov-2006 19:46
Amazing pictures, you have a lot to be proud of.
Zane Paxton18-Oct-2006 23:06
Just a note to let you know that I really enjoyed seeing your wonderful images!

Ofer 09-Oct-2006 17:51
Great photos it makes you homesick!very nice! madhim!
Ofer Kravetzky, an Israeli in Germany
muhamad 24-Sep-2006 14:10
nice web site
doron nissim12-Aug-2006 17:02
Hi Doron,
Hi Xnir

The pictures are superb
Keep on the good work

Doron Nissim
Josh Levy 02-Aug-2006 03:06
Great pictures! I hope you and your family are safe- America owes the Israeli soldiers a big thank-you for fighting the war on terror. I know you saw war is not the answer, and its an easy thing for me to say here in the US, but I firmly believe that all the Israelis want is peace. Thats it... just to be left alone and live life. peace. anyway, what kind of camera do you use?
Guest 24-Jul-2006 00:23
Hello Xnir thanks for your comments, I enjoyed your pictures to
dr dewitt t pettis jr 20-Jul-2006 20:27
again, i plan to visit israel, aviation academy, soon. i await data, brochres, ect.. i will then return with contact.
col. dewitt t pettis jr
mail address; 6067 north 37th street
milwaukee, wisconsin 53209-3662, usa
xnir20-Jul-2006 05:24
עם חזק לא נתקפל, כי לא נולד הבן זונה שיעצור את ישראל
Guest 15-Jul-2006 11:02
Hi Nir,
Amaizing galleries, to many nice pictures to vote for.

Brent Andersen05-Jul-2006 06:26
Thanks for your comment on my site. You have beautiful galleries with lots of nice color and great people pics. Really, a first-class site.
Guest 04-Jul-2006 19:29
your images are so vibrant, so lively!
i had a great time looking through all of your photos.

Jim Kramer01-Jul-2006 13:09
Just stopped by to say "hi". Your galleries look great. I really like your wildlife gallery. Nice captures in there! Look forward to more.
Guest 29-Jun-2006 05:54
äéé ðéø , àçìä âìøéä
úîùéê áòáåãä äèåáä.
Guest 25-Jun-2006 16:31
I am completely "blown away" by your work... Words cannot express! Thanks, Donald Kinney
Rob Rosetti16-Jun-2006 17:56
Oustanding galleries! Many compliments!

Guest 20-Apr-2006 20:31
A stunning set of photographs - congratulations. I particularly like the way you capture people so well.
Guest 18-Apr-2006 14:04
Dear xnir, I've just spent an hour viewing you photos.
I'm impressed very nice photo work.

tanguy 17-Apr-2006 19:34
lovely pics especially for an air forces fan!
signed: a former breton christian kibbutz volunteer, now gendarme near Lyon
Maya 15-Apr-2006 04:45
Very nice photo work.
i love israel and will be visiting soon :)
Shalom and love
OFER KRAVETZKY 22-Mar-2006 06:50
úîåðåú ðäãøåú îøîú äâåìï àäáúé ìöôåú òåôø ÷.GRAET PHOTOS FROM THE GOLAN
David Machet 16-Mar-2006 11:02
Wonderful shots. May they fly in good health and bring peace on all Israel quickly in our days.
Elena 12-Mar-2006 21:29
You did help me with your pictures a lot:) I'm writing the book now about Tel Aviv - and missing Israel. And - your sky is wonderful evrywhere...
Ariel 10-Mar-2006 00:15
áàúé ìôä áò÷áåú äúàåðä äîöòøú ù÷øúä ìê.
àúø îãäéí, úîåðåú îãäéîåú. ëì äëáåã,
çìîä îäéøä, åø÷ áøéàåú.
Konica Minolta Users28-Feb-2006 13:16
Excellent photos. I came to have a look at the Zenitar ones. But I found many other nice pictures.

Azure Feast.
David Petel 20-Feb-2006 17:45
éåôé ùì òáåãä ðäðéúé îàã àúä àîï øöéðé òí ðôù ôéåèéú ìéåôé òìä åöìç
Patrick Bold03-Jan-2006 11:55
Some great galleries - love your favourites.
zadokshmuel30-Dec-2005 14:26
Hi Nir,
You have a great Gallery .... well done .
mckari16-Dec-2005 19:50
Hola !
Enhorabuena muy buenas fotos, es un placer observarlas.
Juan Carlos
Munni 28-Nov-2005 16:04
Very nice photo I enjoy with u r very good ... pleas I hope to see moor in future .. I am a pictures collecter specialy for aircraft .. I also enjoy when I see your gallery you are a real artist Xnir... many thanks
best wishes from Iraq
Tony 20-Oct-2005 07:09
Great shots,very beautifull...:-D
alexander 30-Sep-2005 18:26
hello i just my hoppies is to collect a pictures for every thing specialy for aviation
withh love
Guest 11-Sep-2005 21:14
Hi Just had a look at your pictures wot can I say but WOW.
ziki 10-Sep-2005 09:12
If u can have an existence doing what u r doing as a hobby and have so much fun and pleasure do it!u r so good son.
Mike 03-Sep-2005 15:24
äéé ðéø
îæîï ìà øàéúé àúø ùùååä ìáìåú áå ëîå äàúø ùìê. äúîåðåú îãäéîåú. äòéï ùìê îåöéàä àú äî÷ñéîåí îäîöìîä ùìê. äúîåðåú ùì äàðùéí ôùåè îãäéîåú. úîùéê òí äòáåãä äèåáä. åàðé áèåç ùæä éåúø èåá îìòùåú ìðå ñéãåøé îùîøåú áàéðèøðè æäá (-;
îéé÷ì ååäï (ùå÷é ìùòáø)
Guest 21-Aug-2005 16:53
Awesome pictures!xnir
You have a keen eye to capture a relaxed real life scene.
Nice camera also. Keep up the great work!
thx for sharing.

from Singapore
Ima 09-Aug-2005 19:08
Only a person with inner beauty and sensitivity can see things and capture them, the way you do!

M 06-Aug-2005 12:59
àäáúé àú ä÷åîôåæéöéåú, àú úùåîú äìá, åàú àéê ùàúä îáçéï áéåôé ùì ÷éøåú îú÷ìôéí åùéìåáé öáòéí. îøâù åîøàä òì øâéùåú.
Orna Popper 29-Jul-2005 21:03
I saw your work at D-spot and felt intrigued to see your site.
It was a real enjoyable experience. wonderful photos !! Great compositions, best quality.

tali 27-Jul-2005 16:41
àç ùìé!
àúä äöìí äëé èåá
àðé ìà îáéðä áàéëåú öéìåí åëå' àáì àúä áäçìè îñô÷ àú äñçåøä
åðéøàä ôä ìôé äúâåáåú ìîèä ùä÷äì àåäá àú æä åæä äîáçï äàîéúé!


dubi perry 16-Jul-2005 06:48
ìà ø÷ àáà ùìê âàä áê, âí àðé
îîù àåîðåú! ëó ìáìåú áéï äúîåðåú
ãåáé ôøé
dubi perry 16-Jul-2005 06:47
ìà ø÷ àáà ùìê âàä áê, âí àðé
îîù àåîðåú! ëó ìáìåú áéï äúîåðåú
ãåáé ôøé
Guest 11-Jul-2005 16:39
You R a very talented person, with an inspiring point of view.
your abstract and favorites galleries are wonderful.
keep up the good work

ziky 07-Jul-2005 13:55
ðéøé âàä áê àáà
ziky 07-Jul-2005 13:55
ðéøé âàä áê àáà
Guest 04-Jul-2005 11:50
great pic
HH_Lionking 04-Jul-2005 08:29
cool pics ... next time you there take some F-4's shoots for me plz ...LOL :-)

greetings to "The Saint" :-)
kobi 03-Jul-2005 14:49
îàåã ðäðéúé..
Dave Werner01-Jul-2005 19:10
Wonderful gallery... vote.
Doron Avi-Ad18-Jun-2005 15:44
Great pics!
Oren 17-May-2005 14:05
Great photos from a Great MAN!!!

It is a pleasure to see those pics.

Sharp eye and very precise composition with good colors.

Keep on going!!!

david paz 10-Jan-2005 03:55

hi Nir

I have an offer you may find interesting.Please contact

Amir 24-May-2004 11:57
Hi Nir

Great Shot's - seem's that is a sharp eye behind the CANON...

aviva 01-May-2004 14:45
wow! shigaon! It was a real thrill to watch your photos! Nir, you are great!
Nathan 30-Apr-2004 05:53
I am amazed by the unusual sharpness of most pictures.
I see you use an eos 10D but I can't tell what lenses.
Can you let me know ?
Guest 06-Feb-2004 21:33
Very refreshing images from Israel
Not what we see on TV

Do you have good thermals ?
Do you have airspace/border limitations for X-country flights ?

Jan Waumans
Oleg Chermoshniuk30-Aug-2003 07:39
Way to go man ! Great photos, I like the People gallery very much.