Sahel Scharrelaar - Abyssinian Roller by Richard Diepstraten
Paradise Island by Vanhauw Luc
Lelieloper - African Jacana by Richard Diepstraten
Gambia by Wietse Jongsma
Gambia by Robbie
Birds of Gambia January 2020 by Erwin van Saane
Senegalese Griel - Senegal Thick-knee by Richard Diepstraten
The Gambia, January 9-23, 2009 by Jaap Vink
Tanji Beach by Richard Diepstraten
The Gambia, 1-15 December 2010 by Arie Ouwerkerk
Bonte IJsvogel - Pied Kingfisher by Richard Diepstraten
Birdwatching The Gambia December 2022 by Geert Bauke Kortleve