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Terry Thormin | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Linda Harvie 19-Jul-2021 16:50

HI I am interested in using a picture of your moth. I am writing a children's beginning reader. contact me at
Deborah Middleton 17-May-2020 04:59
my garden which is populated with traditional garden flowers and wild flowers and plants was getting overrun and I noticed it was really dominated by clumps of grass like plants. When I dug them up they had impenetrable clumps of white cylindrical bulbs. The grass like leaves were numerous dark green in color 8 to 10 inches with a whitish strip. The clumps were choking everything else out so I dug and dug for days. On some of the clumps growing out of the middle I noticed a cylindrical bud which appeared to encase four large seeds. I had not seen anything like it before and I have lived here (Campbell River) for over 10 years. There is always something you miss on a dig like this and one day I saw a grouping of four exquisite white flowers. Each about one inch across, six sharpish almost iridescent white petals , yellow centre and a pale green stripe lengthwise across the back of each petal. I hike everywhere in this province and I have never seen this plant either domestically nor in the woods. I can provide a picture if it would help to identify this stranger. I am truly, truly sorry I was so committed to removing this beautiful little plant from my garden and would most certainly have kept some howbeit in a more contained space. I would be most appreciative if someone could identify it so I can try and make amends.
Kent 08-May-2020 16:47
Terry, love all your pictures. I was recently working in the mountains above Lake Cowichan, and spied a number of small very hairy mottled brown pear-shaped bees that were very active in getting nectar from the new salmonberry flowers. The bee is about 2/3 the size of Apis Meliflora. She'd spend a long time at each flower, moving from nectar tube to nectar tube. I am a beekeeper myself, but have never seen anything like it.
Ron K 23-Nov-2018 20:26
Thanks for providing this excellent source of information... It's helped me identify quite a variety of dragonflies, damselflies, wasps, bees and even a few spiders as I fully embrace my mid life crisis.
Wayne 13-Sep-2015 16:53
I found your site and identified an Orb Weaver from it.
Many thanks for sharing your passion on the web with us.
I can only imagine the number of people you inspire with your photos (and descriptions).
Best regards,
Priddis, AB
Tom 16-Jul-2015 01:12
Hi, great wildflower pics. I have a pic that a few can't identify. They called it a spring beauty but it can't be. Could you have a look? Thanks.

Joanne Delfae Wallace 23-Sep-2014 01:04
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures....I moved to the Island in 2013 from Nelson and my favorite thing to do is explore every woodland trail around my new neighborhood of Shawnigan lake. I love to take pictures of wildflowers and mushrooms and I'm wishing for a better camera. Your pictures (so clear and easy to recognize) have helped me put names to several of the wildflowers I was not familiar with....THANX!! Will you be doing mushrooms?
Travis McEnery 20-Sep-2013 05:54
Well, hello, old friend.

Travis here. You might not remember me, but I used to volunteer in the Bug Room at the museum in Edmonton. You procured my first tarantula for me, a Tucson Blonde which I named Boris. Since then, I had a Costa Rican Zebra named Parker, and now have a Mexican Redknee named Bella.

Here's the kicker - I didn't know you'd moved to Vancouver Island. My wife and I just bought a house in Ucluelet. She lives there now with our two boys. I'm back and forth between Edmonton and Ucluelet while I get my own business off the ground to support us in Ukee, but I'll be moving there full-time sometime next year.

I stumbled across your site while just looking for more stuff on spiders of Vancouver Island. I haven't lost my interest. Email me - it'd be great to hear from you.

Funny - usually when I head out to the Island for a visit, I fly into Comox. This time I'm flying into Nanaimo. But it's always flexible.

Jason 12-Jun-2013 13:27
Loved your Wild Flowers Collections looking forward to visiting the rest of your Collection here. Thank you for Sharing your Inspiration and the things you were wonderfully inspired with.
Barbara Thomas 27-Jul-2012 04:49
Well-organized collection of beautiful photos, thank you so much for helping me identify wildflowers in my neighbourhood.
Christopher Coon 14-Jul-2012 00:20
I still love looking at your insect photos, and use them as an ID guide at times. Nice robber flies. My favorite.
Annie Pang 17-Jun-2012 16:00
Hi Terry,
What a fantastic array of pics and species and your backyard looks great. I am so impressed with how you have gotten your shots and only wish I know how to use my camera to its full advantage as you have. I will make GTUF members aware of this very informative and impressive website. Major wow! AP
Gillian 29-Apr-2012 23:45
I was wondering if you would have any idea as to the identification of an odd insect I've found. I've looked through field guides, online guides...I cant find anything that matches up with what I found.(the closest is a rove beetle, but it's only vaguely similar)I saw a few of these insects (?) on a small section of trail last year, returning yesterday there were way more of them. They have a small, wedge shaped head, much like an ant, with very antlike antenae and thorax. Their abdomen is massive, slightly segmented, and tapers to a point. While I am not sure, there may have been wing casings evident on the larger (female?) ones. There was some kind of sexual dimorphism going on, as they seemed to be pairing off to mate & one was always waaaay bigger than the other. They were always black in color, and fairly slow moving, and ranged from very small, up to about an inch in length. The terain was fairly damp, but exposed(old burn zone)...I've only ever found these insects in about a mile stretch, but they are plentiful throughout that section.
You must get tons of requests like this, but I would really love to know what these things are~I loved your insect gallery, but unfortunately couldn't find a match there. Thanks for your time! :)
Tina Thormin Fishow 13-Apr-2012 00:35
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Your pictures are worth many thousands of words!
Cathy 04-Apr-2012 00:15
Terry: that should be a female redwing blackbird, but I'm guessing that you have already figured that out. thanks.
Cathy Storey 04-Apr-2012 00:14
Hi, Terry:

I would like to send you a photo of a female blackwing blackbird that I took today at the estuary. What is curious about is that the bird seems to have a growth on the side of it's head/neck and I'd like to send it to you to see what you think of it.
Cathy Storey
Mary Eiken 14-Mar-2012 04:21
Hi, I'm doing a project on the tricolored bumblebee for my college biology class. We have to create a functional website and I would like to put a few of your pictures on my website if you would be okay with it. If you could email me with your decision I would really appreciate it.
Thank you,
Mary Eiken
Dale 12-Mar-2012 20:05
I am trying to identify an insect I took a photo of last August but don't see it in your wonderful collection. Do you know of a site that I might refer to or would you like to have a look at it? It is about half an inch long, reddish-brown with wings (I think) and has antenae longer than its legs. It was resting on a white door jamb.
Tina Thormin Fishow 11-Feb-2012 18:36
Your photos are amazing. You have a wonderful talent.


Tina Thormin Fishow
Guest 07-Dec-2011 01:08
Hi Terry
Our land trust ( is interested in using some of your very fine images for public outreach. Would you please contact Todd at 25zero 995 2428 or todd(at)
Günter ZAILLENTHAL 20-Sep-2011 16:17
Hello Terry,
Super Fotos !!!
I am a Hobby-Zoologist from Austria and I work on a list of all bird species (only for myself and personal use). I want to add to all the animals in the list a picture, so I want to ask you, if I am allowed, to copy some pictures from your picture gallery by pbase in my lists - only for private use! I will not create a homepage, I will not sell the photos and I will not publish the photos - I only want to add them to my lists.
I am looking forward to a permission to copy some photos,

Yours faithfully


Dawne Colwell 21-Aug-2011 16:30
Hi Terry
Your photos are superb!I am a member of the Edmonton Nature Club and birds are my main interest. However, I also like taking photos of insects. I have a blog where I like to post some photos but I am not able to identify some of them. I managed to identify some with the help of your website.Can I send you a photo of a small spider for ID?
I will keep checking your website. Thank you
Dawne Colwell, Edmonton
Jasmine 25-Apr-2011 06:49
Hi i have a picture id like you to see of a spider that i found in Alberta
i wanna know what type of spider it is if maybe you can email me and i can email you though photo! thank you

Guest 07-Apr-2011 21:38
Hi Terry - I was checking out your insect photos and noted that you were interested in any additional information regarding species, etc. The Pacific Forestry Centre in Victoria, BC, has an Insectary, which has thousands of pinned specimens, and the staff there can almost certainly identify any insect specimen you bring them.

Pacific Forestry Centre
The Pacific Forestry Centre (PFC) is one of six Canadian Forest Service (CFS) centres in Canada.
506 West Burnside Road
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
V8Z 1M5
Phone: 250-363-0600
Fax: 250-363-0775

"The Insectary - Bugs! Dr. Leland Humble and other entomologists at the Insectary study native and introduced forest insects, their identification, impacts and life histories, and develop detection tools for invasive species. The facility houses thousands of reference specimens of native and non-native forest insects that date back a century."
Guest 28-Mar-2011 20:38
Very nice Galleries
FocusingOnWildlife.com06-Aug-2010 18:31
superb images, will check your site on regular basis.
Christopher Coon 05-Aug-2010 04:39
Dear Terry,
I've had a fascination with insects and other invertebrates all my life. Finally, at the age of forty I am beginning to indulge my passion and take photographs. I've really enjoyed looking through your galleries, particularly your BC galleries. Living in Vancouver, they've also helped me identify a number of the wee beasties I've been photographing myself (particularly flies). Your photographs, and those of others I have seen, have also taught me that I am going to have to get a better camera. I'm using a humble Nikon Coolpix at the moment.
Guest 16-Jul-2010 23:12
Dear Terry:
Bonaparte's Gull.
Joel Reider 01-Mar-2010 19:54
Hello Terry,
I'm working on a visitor's center exhibit for the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge in Sudbury, MA. We need a good picture of a White-Spotted Sawyer Beetle, and I see you have a beauty: #64461254. The refuge is a non-profit entity, operated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Are there any copyright restrictions that would prevent us from using this image?

Thanks very much,
Prof. Paul S. Marley 14-Jan-2010 11:51
Dear Terry,
thanks for the beautiful pictures of lichens and mosses. I am interested in using some of them in my up coming book. Any copyright issues to resolve? Very best wishes and regards. Prof. Paul S. Marley.
Patricia Nadeau-Sangster 13-Jan-2010 19:04
Dear Terry,
How are you? I wrote to you a couple of times a few years ago. My uncle and godfather was Dave Nadeau, (God rest his soul). Uncle Dave had mentioned to me there was a place that sold or made transparent stick-ons for windows to keep birds from flying into them. I was wondering if you knew of this, and if it was a Canadian company where I could order them from? WOuld you be able to post this on your network or birding site for me? Thank you very much! Patricia Nadeau-Sangster
Kevin Dunk 02-Aug-2009 03:20
Dear Terry,

I am a first time writer. I live in calgary. But I have Two Spiders outside of my back door. Both are pretty big and I don't know what they are or if they are poisioness. I can't get a good shots of them. I was wondering if you can help me out. If you can let me know what to look for, or if you want to come down and look at them
Thorsten Bothe 29-Jul-2009 10:11
Dear Terry,
perhaps you remember me - we were travelling together in Southern Africa in 2007. Just now, I had opened your homepage more or less by accident - and I noted that you've been to Costa Rica last year. Well, Sabine and me were there in March 2009! We also visited Savegre Mt. Lodge and La Selva, as well as several other spots in the country (we've been there for three weeks). I bought a digital camera before (still in Africa, I took slides) and thought that I took a series of quite good shots with it, and I think that I really have some nice frogs and birds and butterflies. But then I saw your collection - and realized that I still have to work hard to reach that quality, especially in that number... It's a joy to view all these pictures!
I hope you're doing well (the number of trips you're on seem to give a hint in that direction..). Sabine and me can't complain!
Greetings from Germany, Thorsten Bothe
Kazelvrc 06-Jul-2009 03:01
Hi webmaster! eyh
Charlotte Young 22-May-2009 09:26
Dear Terry,

I am currently researching images of the small salmon arab, Colotis calais, for ARKive and hope that you are able to help as I have seen your images of this species and would love to include them in the project. ARKive - www(dot)arkive(dot)org - aims to raise awareness of the need for biodiversity conservation by using wildlife imagery. Films, photographs and audio recordings of the world¡¦s animals, plants and fungi are being gathered into one centralised digital library. These important audio-visual records are being preserved and maintained for the benefit of future generations and are being made available to view via the ARKive website.

Please see a brief overview of ARKive below:
„X It is ARKive's current aim to compile audio-visual records for the 16,000-plus species currently threatened with extinction, according to the World Conservation Union's (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.
„X We are looking for media (moving footage, still images and audio) to depict each species' life history as comprehensively as possible. In order for us to achieve this aim we need help from as wide a variety of media donors as possible.
„X The ARKive website acts as a showcase for image providers, displaying copyright and contact details with every image and links to each media donor's own web activities.

See examples of species which have been ¡¥ARKived¡¦ at: www(dot)arkive(dot)org

Please let me know if you would like to include your images within the ARKive project.

With best wishes,


Charlotte Young
ARKive Media Researcher

Ground Floor | The Rackhay | Queen Charlotte Street | Bristol | BS1 4HJ | UK
(t) +44 (0)117 328 5960 (f) +44 (0)117 328 5955
Steve Rutledge 13-Apr-2009 03:54
Hello Terry-
I am planning to teach a not-for-profit class about hummingbirds (at the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society). My class would raise money for hummingbird conservation (and also for the education efforts of the SCVAS). I would like to request permission to show some of your photos to my class. Please write and I will provide more details.
Thanks, Steve
Bob 05-Nov-2008 21:31
In looking over your hummingbird pictures, I was wondering how you stopped wing action at a mere 1/250th? I've shot a lot faster and have yet to stop the wings...and that's with a DSLR. I see that you can get a bit closer to the birds than I can. I think the detail in those pics are excellent. A great job which shows off your skills and the abilities of the Canon S5. Thanks
Louise Horstman 13-Feb-2008 00:35
Dear Terry,
I can't put into words how much your African wildlife photos speak to me. Although I'm an amateur artist, I'd like to do pen and ink drawings of some of them. Hopefully, I would like to make them into notecards to sell on behalf of Stephen Lewis' Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign (Cdn grandmothers supporting all the African grandmothers who are raising AIDS orphans). If they turn out well I'll let you know!
Guest 29-Jul-2007 17:46
Hi Terry, Thanks for the comments on my galleries. You have some great work here too!
Guest 14-Jul-2007 14:39
Very nice gallery
jl216-May-2007 10:28
Wow Terry, you really have captured some nice bugs
Guest 09-Jan-2007 22:02
nice Gallery
Jazz Cat 6029-Oct-2006 17:14
Terry, I had a chance to check out your images -You have some great stuff here- As a fellow wildlife enthusiast, I know a lot of hard work goes into capturing these images. Thanks -Dave
Larry 20-Oct-2006 21:29
Hi Terry!
As a fellow avian photographer, I was very impressed with your images. I'm also looking to retire my old Olympus C2100 which was the first big zoom digicam (back in 2000). I very interested in the S3 IS. Have you had any problems with chromatic aberration (purple fringing) on back lighted shots? Do you have to use Photoshop much? Any problems with shuttle lag? How well does the flash perform at distance? Hom much noise do you get at high ISO settings? Lastly, do you use a teleconverter and which one (maker/model)? Great work!
Thierry Lucas16-Oct-2006 19:03
Hello Terry.
You have beautiful galleries.
I will go back to see more.
And thanks very much for your comments and votes.

Guest 27-Aug-2006 12:14
Your galleries are simply incredible! Not only do you beautifully capture mother nature's creatures, your ability to name them all is equally impressive. All the best.
Stephen C. Gushue15-Aug-2006 16:36
Hi Terry,

Just a note to let youu know that I think you have a fantastic series of galleries. Very impressive. I know that much of this type of imaging is really hard work and a lot of effort. I'm also impressed with the camera's ability to get close and still have comparativly fantastic DOF. Stephen
Guest 29-Jun-2006 23:20
Terry, Those are stunningly beautiful images! I'm really excited about your launch into this wonderful new phase of your life. Now I'm just a few mouse clicks away from enjoying the fruits of your considerable artistry. Felix
Guest 20-Jun-2006 00:59
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik11-Jun-2006 05:17
Hi Terry, thanks for visiting our galleries. After 20 years of birding, we just started learning insects - not an easy task! Your galleries look great and we'll be back. Lloyd&Sandy