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David Royall 27-Jul-2012 08:02
I may have the same name as you, but not your talent. Nice photographs and enjoy your music.
Rob Stehlin 22-Jan-2009 19:19
I would like to know who bonnie is. I grew up on Normans cay in the 70s before Carlos came to the island. I have the fondest memories of the island. I learned to drive a car on the island when I was 10. I was diving every day. I was every where. I knew most of the home owners before the drugs came in. If you know her i would like to connect or that matter I would like to connect with any of the land owners from the 70's.
Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:07
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
Dan Chusid24-Dec-2008 19:42
Happy Holidays to you and yours Dave!
Guest 12-Feb-2008 23:42
Thank you my friend for commenting on my young couples picture. Liked your comments.
Guest 09-Jan-2008 22:44
Dave - I took this picture in Coloma, which is East of Sacramento and near Placerville. This picture and the picture of the person Stirring the Pot were taken at the same place. Thanks for asking. Have a great day
Dan Chusid04-Jan-2008 23:46
A year later and another birthday!
Get out there and enjoy it Dave.
Guest 01-Jan-2008 18:52
Happy New Years to you also Dave. I miss your pictures on PAD
Bill Warren09-Nov-2007 02:34
I stop by once in awhile and catch up on the story--It just flows along. I'm thinking the Crocs got a lot to do with it. Thanks Bill
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:12
I love your work. Thanks for sharing.
Deborah Lewis28-Jan-2007 14:45
Thought of you and Jill when I saw this sign!
Victoria07-Jan-2007 20:06
Amazing collection here hold, wonderful job you did, Dave!!!!!Thanks for share

Regards from Victoria
Dan Chusid05-Jan-2007 17:10
~ Happy Birthday Dave! ~
Carinoza11-Dec-2006 08:37
An interesting look at your part of the world ... thanx for your comments here Cheers!
Hernan E. Enriquez07-Dec-2006 01:50
From nearby Palatka Florida (I work in St. Aug) I am glad for your recovery, I love your Photography I just discovered. I have my modest efforts here on Pbase. Regards, Hernan
1moremile18-Nov-2006 02:28
Thanks for the comments on my photos.
I looked through a bunch of your photos this morning before I went to work. You have a lot of nice ones. Looks like you are living the good life with close friends and having a lot of fun with your camera. I really enjoyed my visit will definitely come back to view more.
Rhino 27-Sep-2006 00:17
My name is Ryan Nassau and I currently attend Harvard Law School. I know my boyfriend will enjoy these photos when I show them to him.
Deborah Lewis20-Sep-2006 22:49
Wanted to make sure you saw this one - the 3 of us did it together! take care, Deborah
Deborah Lewis08-Sep-2006 19:57
Thanks for stopping by!
Guest 23-Aug-2006 14:10
Thanks for your kindly comment....
Deborah Lewis23-Aug-2006 12:33
I sent a couple of emails to the regulars, trying to find out the history. I will be going back up there next week and will try to talk to the owner. I would love to know the history and will pass on any info I can "dig" up! Have a good day! Deborah
yaffa rennert17-Aug-2006 17:29
Thanks for your kind comment. I visited yore galleries today and enjoy them very much.
yaffa rennert16-Aug-2006 16:00
Thank you so much for all your kind comments on my galleries. I really appreciate them very much.
regards, Yaffa
Deborah Lewis03-Aug-2006 14:43
Hi Dave - went to post a comment on your PaD and got this error "Must login as royalld to view this image" Have you ever seen this message before? Anyway, my comment was you don't need PhotoShop with your talent! Have a good day.
Sue Roberts21-Jul-2006 13:44
thanks for visiting and appreciating my sp. i put you on my favorites ;list so i can look at your photos
Guest 02-Jul-2006 05:28
Thank you for the comment that you left regarding one of my pictures. I must say that the image that you used for your profile is absolutely fantastic. I am also impressed by your loyalty to your camera. I purchased the camera that I use approximately a month and a half ago. I feel that I have already outgrown it. When I see the photos that you have taken with your camera, I feel that I will hold on to the one that I have. Thanks again. Ralph.
Guest 21-Jun-2006 01:14
Just stopped by to thank you for visiting...
You have some wonderrful work here at pbase keep updating!
Best regards
Joseph Smith 14-Jun-2006 22:11
Great shots Dave. I didn't know that you had this interest. i could have taught you a few things (Smile). your Buddy Joseph Smith. Keep the good work up.
zen 23-May-2006 07:38
You have many blessing in your life. Thanks for sharing. Great Photos, nice to see that part of the world!
Doug Kessler10-May-2006 22:23
Dave, you have some wonderful shots in your galleries. It seems you are having this great life. Best wishes,
Alida Thorpe04-May-2006 14:38
I looked through your galleries and especially enjoyed the boating shots.
Thank you for visiting mine and your comments. Alida
DK Maxwell 05-Apr-2006 15:41
Hey Dave,

Nice to see such a fine development of your website. Nice to check in now and then to see what, where and when you are doing, have been and where you are going. If you talk to your mom you'll hear the latest on me. Might be able to a trip on the boat before the year is out.

Focus21-Feb-2006 01:18
You have a good eye Dave.......yes, that was Atlantis on Paridise Island. You look like you are enjoying yourselves in the Florida have some nice images that I have to check out more closely. The Exumas were beautiful, but the climate was a little more chilling than the women prefered.....we were also in one big storm and one smaller storm. I want to go back, but maybe a month later. And, yes, all of us pbasers envy you and Jill! LOL!..... Smooth sailing and be careful out there.

Shirley 22-Jan-2006 15:27
I knew by the amazing photos that you had to be in the area of Flagler Beach, Florida. I grew up visiting my Grandparents and numerous Aunts and Uncles there. My parents met on at the Peir in 1951. It is a BEAUTIFUL area. I visit as often as possible. :)
Ananka 03-Nov-2005 21:22
Did you ever live in Fort Stewart, Ga when you were a kid? Did you have a brother named Jim?

Ananka Kohnitz
Jose Canovas04-Oct-2005 08:34
Your galleries confirm me that we made the right choice acquiring this little nice camera.
Enyoyed very much the walk round your pictures!
@ Bruce Gilling28-Sep-2005 05:31
yes thanks i heard from Jim ROHN 3 things to pass on
your pictures
your journals
and your library
Rene Hales08-Aug-2005 01:37
Thank you for your most kind comment on my PaD gallery. I really appreciate your taking the time to visit and make a comment. Thanks, Rene