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joanteno | all galleries >> Travel >> Amsterdam, Prague, and Rome Family Vacation with neice and family >> Amsterdam > De Hotrus 3 June 17 2007 R1010191.jpg
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De Hotrus 3 June 17 2007 R1010191.jpg

For the transglobal, totally informal weekly challenge, "Primary Colors"

For others, who got a better handle on the Thursday morning challenge click on here

Shot at Dehortus in Amsterdam, where I met Björn and Lindsey (see )

Despite the rain, we spent a wonderful day shooting and talking.
The chance to meet such wonderful persons and photographers is what
make Pbase so special. Thanks for such lovely afternoon.

We need to get Björn to pbase meet up!


Alternate entry -

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/100s f/4.4 at 15.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Will Denney03-Aug-2007 21:52
nicely done!
Dave Wixx03-Aug-2007 12:31
Beautiful, almost abstract.
Yvonne03-Aug-2007 07:17
Fabulous shot of the dewy succulent - love the other one too!
virginiacoastline03-Aug-2007 02:41
aloe plant?
Linda Willets03-Aug-2007 00:30
great macro
royalld02-Aug-2007 23:48
Magnificent macro.
j>a>e>17 :):):)02-Aug-2007 22:18
how refreshing :):):) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :):):)
Michael Shpuntov02-Aug-2007 21:38
Great greens. Love the droplets. Excellent work
Guest 02-Aug-2007 19:39
well done. love this refreshing green.
Norbert Fortelny02-Aug-2007 19:31
Very nice plant portrait!
laine8202-Aug-2007 18:54
Nice colours...and droplets.
Dan Chusid02-Aug-2007 17:43
Reminds me of this one:
Guest 02-Aug-2007 16:53
very well composed
Luca Zanoni02-Aug-2007 16:32
well seen!
Guest 02-Aug-2007 15:50
the droplets brought out the refreshing colour.
Guest 02-Aug-2007 14:30
beautiful colour and love the drops.
Sheila02-Aug-2007 13:51
Beautiful soft colour.
Renee Lockett02-Aug-2007 12:36
Creative shot. Love the droplets.
Johnny Rasmussen02-Aug-2007 12:21
Moody with the rain falling, but a great image!
Susan Leigh02-Aug-2007 11:49
Wonderful comp, love the drops ;-)
Jola Dziubinska02-Aug-2007 11:37
I like it a lot.
Cindi Smith02-Aug-2007 11:31
Very nice!
Guest 02-Aug-2007 11:28
Great image,Joan.Love the colour and the detail on all those raindrops!
Carolyn Rasmussen02-Aug-2007 11:18
Nice shapes and raindrops.
Tim van Woensel02-Aug-2007 10:51
Joanteno you should remove the ) in the link
Maaike Huizer02-Aug-2007 10:44
Lovely green and crystalclear drops. Beauty in the Hortus Botanicus.
northstar3722-Jun-2007 21:13