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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> RISD Photo courses >> Rhode Island School of Design Photo Course - Photo LIghting >> Top 25 shots During Photo Lighting Class 1 > pbase Gabi in the dog room_DSC3782.jpg
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pbase Gabi in the dog room_DSC3782.jpg

Gabi sleeping in the dog room, while I write at home

Nikon D700
1/100s f/5.0 at 32.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine24-May-2009 17:20
Work all you want, your not going to disturb Gabi :>))
mollywb 23-Feb-2009 15:19
napi gabi
Jackdad22-Feb-2009 13:55
have to say, Gabi's couch looks more comfortable than your work-chair!
ewa toll21-Feb-2009 13:17
looks very nice
Gayle P. Clement21-Feb-2009 03:32
Gabi looks like she's enjoying the sun.
Roe..21-Feb-2009 02:14
a slice of life..excellent
Bryan Murahashi21-Feb-2009 02:12
Sweet capture.
Sue Roberts21-Feb-2009 00:49
thats one relaxed dog!