26-Dec-2016 20:33

:: oman_2016 ::
25-Oct-2014 20:42

:: Rotgans (Branta bernicla) ::
25-Oct-2014 20:38

:: Middelste jager / Stercorarius pomarinus ::
23-Oct-2014 20:28

:: Kleine jager / Stercorarius parasiticus ::
19-Oct-2014 12:25

:: Drawings ::
19-Oct-2014 11:54

:: phylloscopidae ::
15-Oct-2014 21:27

:: Recente foto's / Recent uploads ::
15-Oct-2014 20:25

:: Batumi Raptor Count 2014 ::
01-Jun-2014 14:51

:: Landschap / Landscape ::
13-Apr-2014 20:48

:: The landscape and people ::
13-Apr-2014 20:32

:: The birds ::
13-Apr-2014 20:18

:: Miscellaneous and record shots ::